Trade Union priority list for REACH authorization

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Substance identification subir
 Chemical name: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18 - dodecachloropentacyclo[12. 2. 1. 16, 9. 02, 13. 05, 10]octadeca - 7, 15 - diene
  • Dodecachlorododecahydrodimethanodibenzocyclooctene
Trade name:
  • Dechlorane Plus
  • Declorano Plus
Identification numbers: CAS13560-89-9
EC EINECS236-948-9
Uses: flame retardant
Additional information  Click for more information

Riesgos específicos para el medio ambiente subir
Toxic for water Click for more information

Regulations on restriction / prohibition of substances subir
REACH candidate list substance Click for more information

Substance under PACT evaluation Click for more information

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